Dental Implants


Dental Implants

Vista Dental Care is a leading and most trusted clinic for best dental implants in Mumbai.  It's the ultimate treatment option to replace missing/lost teeth. If u have one missing tooth, multiple missing teeth or are tired of wearing dentures, you are the right candidate for dental implants. The implant acts as an anchorage to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, complete/partial dentures, and facial prosthesis.

We at Vista works closely and collaboratively with oral surgeons and periodontist as a team to provide finest and customized implant care and our dental implants are the most affordably priced in all of Mumbai, India. Dental implants are artificial roots (usually titanium) that are surgically placed in the upper or lower jaw bone by the team of dentist. The teeth are attached to the implants and are very natural looking and often enhance or restore patients smile. Dental Implants are very strong, stable and durable and last for years.

For extensive teeth replacement, we can provide patients with All-on-four/ All-on-six implant supported dentures. These procedures are state of the art way to replace entire upper n lower jaw teeth by using 4/6 dental plants to support a single fixed dental prosthesis.

Why Dental Implants?

  • To replace one or more missing teeth with fixed teeth without affecting adjacent.
  •  To resolve the faulty bite
  •  To preserve the available bone
  •  to restore chewing, speech, and digestion
  • to restore and enhance facial tissue
  • to support bridge/denture to make them secure and comfortable
  • to restore patients smile, aesthetic and confidence thus improving their social life.


What does getting dental implants involve?

The process of getting the best dental implants requires the number of visits over several months.

X-rays, pictures, and impressions are taken of the upper and lower jaws to determine bone, present teeth, gums and spacing available for an implant. After proper treatment planning, the surgical phase is planned. During the surgical phase, the implant/implants are placed under local anesthesia into the bone and allowed to heal and integrate themselves into the bone form minimum 3-6months. Depending upon the type of implant second surgery may/may not be required to give gums a good shape and place a post to which artificial tooth can be attached.

After the bone and gums are completed healed and stable they ready to receive new teeth. Fabrication of artificial teeth is started which includes, Impression making, bite recording, trials with shade matching or attachment trials in case of denture and delivery of final teeth.

After the treatment is completed you will be receiving aftercare and follow-up instructions.

Good oral hygiene, eating habits and regular dental visits will aid in a long and healthy life of your new implant and teeth.

dental implants in mumbai

dental implants in mumbai

8 Shades Whiter Smile

Minimal Irritation

Only One visit

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